Bendare Pro Tip: Foraging Morels

Minnesota Foraging: Morels | Bendare Outdoors

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BENDARE PRO TIP: Spring is the time to look for morels, when daytime temperatures are in the 60s and nighttime lows are in the 40s. Morels prefer soil temperatures between 55-62 degrees. They show up around the same time as marigolds, trillium, and dandelions.

Foraging in Minnesota is allowed for personal use in state parks, state forests, wildlife management areas (WMA), scientific and natural areas (SNA), and aquatic management areas (AMA).

Full plants and flowers cannot be harvested in these areas, but edible fruits (like blueberries and raspberries), mushrooms, and edible seeds are all allowed to be collected for personal use.

These rules do not apply to private land, so make sure you have permission from the landowner.

For more information on morels and helpful foraging resources, visit MORR!

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